Borderland500 - "The best journeys are not measured in miles, but in memories."

Creating excitement and anticipation.

Why choose Borderland500

 A Ultra cycling adventure like no other.

The Borderland500 is more than just a cycling event; it’s an opportunity to push your limits, explore new landscapes, and celebrate your achievements at the finish line. 

With comprehensive support and a variety of routes to choose from, the Borderland500 is the perfect platform for elevating your cycling adventures.

Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist seeking to conquer the ultimate challenge or a budding enthusiast venturing into the world of ultra cycling, the Borderland500 offers an exhilarating experience on some of the UK’s most scenic routes. Immerse yourself in the breath taking landscapes of England and Wales as you pedal through rolling hills, picturesque valleys, and around the costal coves.

Ride solo or as a team!

Enter the ride as individuals travel as groups.

You can do this ride completely on your own if you wish or can plan to do one of the routes with a group of friends. We wont be implementing any rules regarding drafting behind someone or using each other as canon fodder at the front. During the event you can ride as close or as far away from people as you deem safe. As long as you all abide by the highway code and look out for each other then that’s cool with us. Why not get a few club members on board and do the ride as a team. 

Start & Finish

Keeping life simple 

With the start and finish being held at the picturesque Riverside cabins in Shropshire. Logistics wont be a problem. Easily accessible by car and a host of local train station’s nearby getting to and from the event will be simple. 

With the chance to use the bag drop you can be sure that anything you may want after you finish will be ready for you to collect. 

On-site shower and toilet facilities will be ready at the finish.  So you can wash away the miles and give yourself chance to freshen up before you decide to head home and tell of your adventures.  

A Glimpse into the World of Ultra-Distance Cycling

Showcasing what is possible.

This is the world of ultra-distance cycling, a realm of endurance, perseverance, and self-discovery.

To ensure your success in this endeavour, the Borderland500 team are committed to providing comprehensive support to all. From training plans to comprehensive kit checklists, we’ll guide you every step of the way, empowering you to prepare physically and mentally for this remarkable challenge. Monthly updates will be shared in the lead up to the start line, to help with preparation and keep things interesting.  

Friendly Local Bike Shops

Supporting Bike shop’s along the way.

The Borderland500’s checkpoints will be located at  bike shops that are positioned  on the route.  Riders can expect to receive a warm welcome and helpful assistance at each checkpoint. This will allow you to have a well earned rest and restock on any essentials you may need. From a spare inner tube to coffee and cake! 

Finish line HERO’s 

 A Post-Race Atmosphere Like No Other

The Borderland500‘s split start times will create a post-race atmosphere unlike any other ultra-cycling event. We will be doing our home work on each rider, setting them of at a time pre planned to get them back for the celebration that awaits. Creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. The finish line will be a hub of celebration, where riders from all routes can share their stories, congratulate each other, and revel in the collective accomplishment of conquering the challenging Borderland500 course.

Once the ride is over food and drink will be available. Pizza van’s, fresh coffee and lets not forget a few cold beers. 

This unique atmosphere will not only enhance the post-race experience for participants but also create a lasting memory that will forever be etched in their minds. It will be a testament to the Borderland500’s ability to bring together cyclists of all abilities, united by their passion for the sport and their shared journey of endurance.

GPS Tracked

Embrace the Thrill of GPS Tracking: A Connected Cycling Experience

As you embark on the exhilarating Borderland500 challenge, GPS trackers will be your faithful companions, transforming your journey into an immersive and interconnected experience. Prepare to feel the surge of adrenaline as you receive real-time updates from loved ones, keeping you abreast of your position on the course and the whereabouts of any fellow tribe member’s.

Imagine the thrill of knowing that your family and friends are following your every move, cheering you on as you conquer each challenging climb and navigate the scenic routes. Their words of encouragement will echo in your ears, fuelling your determination to push your limits and achieve your goals.

For spectators, GPS tracking offers a captivating window into the heart of the race. They can witness the grit and determination of each cyclist as they tackle the course’s formidable climbs, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of the pedals. The anticipation builds as riders approach each milestone, and the cheers erupt in waves of support as they conquer the peaks.

But GPS tracking isn’t just about thrilling spectator experiences; it’s also a lifeline for riders, providing a sense of security and reassurance. With loved ones able to monitor their progress, cyclists can pedal with greater peace of mind, knowing that their well-being is top of mind.

So, as you embark on the Borderland500, embrace the thrill of GPS tracking. Let it fuel your determination, connect you with your loved ones, and transform your cycling adventure into an unforgettable and connected experience.

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